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At Note information on deadlines and processing times. Read notes on VPD. Note: Apply for your VPD as early as possible. You will also need to apply directly to your university before the application deadline. In order to do this, you need to submit the VPD to the university. You may apply for a VPD at any time. It is valid

VPD for Uni assist. Apart from transcript of grades and degree certificate , is CV also needed to be sent in uni-assist e. V. 11507 Berlin. Germany. When your certificates have been checked and assessed a report card validation form (“Vorprüfungsdokumentation” = VPD) you will receive an e -mail from uni-assist that the VPD can be downloaded from the uni-assist portal. If you have any further questions please contact Applicants for bachelor's or master's degree programs need to apply for a Preliminary Documentation (VPD) via uni-assist. in addition to applyintg to TUM directly.

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That is the main purpose of the VPD in my experience. Hello guys!This is a video about the application procedure through Uni-assist. (VPD of TUM) explained in detail. Please do like, share and subscribe for ap uni-assist reviews your international certificates and notifies you when it sends your VPD whether your previous educational qualifications permit you to start studying in Germany or are recognized for your program of choice. If you belong to one of the following groups, you do not need to submit documents for VPD procedures: Die VPD ist ein Zertifikat von uni-assist, mit dem Sie sich direkt bei der Hochschule bewerben. In der Regel müssen Sie die VPD vor dem Ende der Bewerbungsfrist bei der Hochschule einreichen.

uni-assist calculates the German equivalent of your final grade uni-assist evaluates language competencies and course-specific criteria as set down by the university uni-assist electronically forwards your application to the university uni-assist issues a VPD with which you then directly apply to the university

Read notes on VPD. Note: Apply for your VPD as early as possible. You will also need to apply directly to your university before the application deadline. In order to do this, you need to submit the VPD to the university. You may apply for a VPD at any time.

Uni assist vpd

Application for preliminary inspection documentation (Vorprüfungsdokumentation - VPD) to the service centre for international university applications (“Arbeits- und Servicestelle für internationale Studienbewerbungen - uni-assist e.V.) for applicants with foreign certificates

Uni assist vpd

Do not choose a specific program. 在uni assist申请VPD其实和申请专业是一样的: 首先登陆uni assist,选择studienangebot,选择学校. 搜索学校TUM. 得到专业列表后,选择alle Fächer.

Uni assist vpd

Generally, this certificate provides an overview of the student’s educational records according to the German grading system. That’s why it is called Vorprüfungsdokumentation (preliminary review documentation) or VPD in short.
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Does anyone help me for, How to get "Preliminary Review Documentation" (VPD) from Uni-Assist?

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1. Um Ihren Antrag auf Zeugnisprüfung bzw.Ausstellung einer Vorprüfungsdokumentation (VPD) bei uni-assist zu erstellen, registrieren Sie sich zunächst im Online-Portal unter

I do not have my degree certificate NOTE:On behalf of the UdK Berlin uni-assist only does thepreliminary review documentation of foreign certificates and issues a document called "Vorprüfungsdokumentation" (VPD). The application has to be submitted together with the UdK application form, the VPD, the school or Bachelor degree and all other required documents to UdK Berlin within the application period, not to uni-assist! Uni-assist erstellt für Studieninteressierte eine Vorprüfungsdokumentation ihrer Hochschulzugangs- berechtigung, d.h. Sie überprüft Ihre Zeugnisse und rechnet diese in das deutsche Notensystem um. 1.